
Peggy Kornegger, author of Inside the Rainbow, Living with Spirit and Lose Your Mind, Open Your Heart


Peggy Kornegger is a Boston-based writer and the author of three books: Living with Spirit (2009), Lose Your Mind, Open Your Heart (2014), and Inside the Rainbow (2021). She has written about personal and global transformation for more than thirty years, offering her perspective on the profound changes occurring at this key time in human and Earth evolution. Her work has appeared in a wide variety of publications in the United States, England, and Italy and has been included in several anthologies. In her articles and books, Peggy explores her own spiritual awakening and growth within the greater ongoing expansion of human consciousness. Since 2012, her blog has posted biweekly on this website and reaches an international audience. Her blog articles are also regularly featured at soulspring.org. She has been interviewed on Vivid Life Radio (http://ow.ly/N5S0r).

Inside the Rainbow: Soul Connection in Nature

Inside the Rainbow: Soul Connection in Nature

The natural world is timeless, filled with silence and sound, color and light. It is the place where spirit lives and where you can experience a connection to your soul at the deepest level. Whether you are drawn to flowers or trees, birds or whales, stars or sunsets, this book is an open door to that connection. There is a powerful loving energy waiting to touch your heart “inside the rainbow” that is Nature. Peggy Kornegger provides both personal life stories and individual practices to help you discover your own magical soul connection to Earth’s wonders.

Anne Katzeff’s artwork throughout the book highlights the beauty and wonder of Nature described in each chapter.

Lose Your Mind, Open Your Heart—Limitless Love on an Evolving Planet

What kind of world do you want to live in? If it were up to you to choose (and it is), how would you want to live? In Lose Your Mind, Open Your Heart, Peggy Kornegger offers her own answers to these questions. She believes that at this key time of unprecedented global transformation, it is the love in our collectively opening hearts that will help us create a world that is truly livable for each and every one of us. We can no longer afford to rely solely on the mind’s solutions without the balancing vision of the heart. In every single area of our lives—personal growth, relationships, community, world politics, economics, spirituality, the environment—love is the answer. It is the answer to every question we could possibly ask in this lifetime. Anne Katzeff‘s artwork provides a vibrant visual connection to the written words throughout the book.

Living with Spirit, Journey of a Flower Child

Living with Spirit: Journey of a Flower Child

Spiritual seeking is no longer reserved only for monks, shamans, and religious scholars. Today, many people are living mystical lives. Living with Spirit provides a glimpse into one such life and offers support and guidance for others on journeys of the spirit at this time. Peggy Kornegger lived through the 1960s era of peace, love, and flower power and subsequently carried those beliefs forward into an ongoing quest for the “meaning of life.” Her travels have taken her to distant sacred sites, and she has studied with many inspiring teachers. Living with Spirit opens a portal through which readers may be able to glimpse possibilities for their own spiritual growth. By placing personal change within the larger social/historical context, Peggy hopes to show that each person’s life can contribute to the collective metamorphosis of all life on Earth.

5 thoughts on “About

  1. Hey Peggy! Congratulations on getting this wonderful site up. I’m about half-way through your book and loving it all.

    You are such a dear, precious heart in the world. Thank you for sharing you light with all of us, not to mention, the dolphins! 🙂

    With affection,

  2. Dear, dear Peggy. I just finished reading your latest post {Illumination on Vancouver Island). It was so clear, lucid, warm, incredible, and delightful. All I can say is “Welcome home, dear, welcome home!”
    Much love and admiration, Lynn VG

  3. Hi Peggy, I have recently discovered your political writing from the 70s. I was wondering if this is something you still identify with and/or draw from, or if you’ve found yourself having undergone a bit of a metamorphosis since that time? Your contemporary writing is obviously of a very different nature; however, I can still see subtle signs of both as having grown out of a distinct generational experience. Furthermore, we may in fact have some vague overlap, seeing as I am interested in the intersections of historical materialism, dialectics, and phenomenology with things like quantum physics and Eastern philosophy. This is an incredibly underexplored space — for too long, spirituality and emancipatory politics have been presented as counterposed! Sincerely, Matt

    1. HI Matt, Yes, I have experienced many years of transformation since the 70s. And social consciousness is definitely part of my spirituality. To me it’s all of a piece–if open your heart to humanity, you are opening your heart to God or Spirit. No difference. I feel more and more people are now bringing together what were once considered polar opposites. Harmony, balance, and universal love–it continues to be the evolving dream on this planet! Thanks for writing! Peggy

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